Uganda’s national unemployment rate is 9.2%, and at 13.3% for youth aged 18-30. The COVID 19 pandemic had a negative effect on Uganda’s economy forcing many young women out of employment.
Women play a vital role in Uganda’s rural agricultural sector and contribute a higher than average share of crop labour. They make up more than half of Uganda’s agricultural workforce, and a higher proportion of women than men work in farming—76 percent versus 62 percent. Yet compared to men, their productivity is low.
This is largely because women lack inputs and technical skills to improve their yields.
With support from The Paul Hodges Trust, we are implementing a one year project in Mukono and Buikwe districts that equips 10 vulnerable young women aged 15 – 28 years with skills in interior and exterior painting, supports 20 vulnerable women farmers to adopt Climate Smart Agricultural practices to minimize land degradation and increase agricultural production, equips 20 young women aged 15- 28 years with tailoring skills and start up equipment.