In 2014, with support from UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme, NCD embarked on implementing a 2 year project aimed at equipping communities in Sironko district with knowledge, skills and technology to sustainably manage water and land resources in order to reduce the impacts of climate change and increasing resilience to future impacts by supporting communities to improve land and water management to increase agricultural production; adopt environmentally friendly agricultural practices to equitably use the available water resources, minimize land degradation and increase agricultural production; promote energy efficiency, use of improved cook stoves; and support establishment of sustainable agricultural enterprises through a communal revolving fund.
The project provided community members with 6 water irrigating pumps, supporting 223 farmers access unsecured agricultural loans, trained 83 community members in sustainable agricultural practices, trained 29 women in making energy efficient stoves, supported 46 farmers with seeds all of which are aimed at improving their resilience to the impacts of climate change.
As a result, 543 community members were sensitized on patients’ rights and responsibilities, monitoring of drug stock outs, mama kits and health worker absenteeism and 100 % of all mothers attending ANC received free Mama Kits.
In Sironko, more than 80% of Primary school going children who have reached puberty don’t use appropriate sanitary ware and as a result they have no option but to use rags, toilet paper, newspaper, leaves, and disposable nappies. These unhygienic materials can cause serious health problems for girls. Bad health has consequences for them in terms of productivity, dignity and confidence in being an active member of society. Unfortunately, menstruation’s ripple effect is that young girls are forced to drop out of school.
In 2015, with financial support from The Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice NCD embarked on implementing a project entitled “Menstrual Hygiene Enhancement for Education” in which children, parents and teachers from (Budadiri Girls P/S, Buhugu P/S, Busiita P/S and Kirali P/S) in Sironko district were equipped with knowledge and skills on Menstrual Hygiene Management.
Here 80 pupils, 22 parents and 8 teachers were trained on menstrual hygiene management and making reusable pads. 4 schools were provided with materials to retrain other pupils in making reusable pads. As a result, 612 children are more knowledgeable about menstruation.
To date there is a reduction in pupil absenteeism as a result of menstruation, increase in knowledge among parents on their role in educating children on menstruation.
Uganda has high maternal mortality rates, which is often reflective of access to health care services. Ugandan women seek to handle birth on their own as it is a time when they can use their own power and make their own decisions leading to high maternal mortality rate. in a move to address this challenge, In 2013, with support from Akiiba Uhaki Foundation, NCD implemented a 9 months project entitled Health Advocacy Intuitive aimed at contributing to equitable access to quality maternal health care services among women in Sironko District.
The project targeted both male and female community members who seek health services at Buwasa and Budadiri Health Centre IV. Community members were trained as Health Advocates in order to monitor health service delivery at the health centre. In addition, health centre advocacy meetings, citizen report cards, constructive dialogues, talk shows and feedback meetings were held at improving maternal health service delivery.
As a result, 543 community members were sensitized on patients’ rights and responsibilities, monitoring of drug stock outs, mama kits and health worker absenteeism and 100 % of all mothers attending ANC received free Mama Kits.
NCD with support from Albertine Rift Conservation Society -ARCOS is implementing a project titled Strengthening Community Watershed Management in Uganda in Buhugu and Busulani Sub County whose goal is to promote community approaches for improved watershed management and livelihoods of communities in Sironko District.
The project has equipped 60 farmers with skills in Climate Smart Agriculture, 31 farmers were linked to agricultural loans, one soil and water conservation demonstration farm was set up , 63 land owners and users along Mahapa river bank with equipped knowledge and skills on river bank management, roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in river bank management.
The Universal Primary Education (UPE) program was launched in Uganda in 1997 with a view of enabling all children of school going age to get an opportunity to attend primary school and to ensure that all Ugandan citizens can read and write by the year 2015.Eighteen years down the road, Mityana district is battling to better the quality of UPE amidst difficulties that make the teaching and learning environment very un-conducive. On the side of health, Uganda has high maternal mortality rates, which is often reflective of access to health care services. Every day, an estimated 16 women die from giving birth in Uganda
In 2015, with support from USAID / UKAID Governance, Accountability, Participation and Performance (GAPP)Program, Network for Community Development (NCD) in Partnership with Community Centre Health Foundation (CCHF) embarked on implementing a 2 year project entitled “Promoting Improved Service Delivery in the Health and Education sectors in Uganda” in which 60 children from (Naama Church of Uganda P/S, St. Joseph Nambute P/S, Sekanyonyi Church of Uganda P/S, Taamu Islamic P/S, Bulera Church of Uganda P/S, Kabaseke Islamic P/S) in Mityana district monitor the implementation of the UPE program.
As a result of the advocacy, the number of pupils feeding in the targeted schools as increased by 52 %. More still, 40 community members accessing health services from Kabule HC III, Kabuwambo HC II, Ssekanyonyi HC IV and Bulera HCIII were trained monitor service delivery in their health centres.
In a move to address the 3 delays that contribute to maternal mortality, the project holds sensitization meetings on patient’s rights and responsibilities and monitoring health worker absenteeism. As a result, there has been a reduction in charging of user fees.
Uganda has made considerable progress in improving the quality of primary education through introducing Universal Primary Education (UPE), however, the cultural set up of Bugisu has increasingly contributed to (GBV), child abuse, early marriages and school dropout directly impacting on education . Girls are particularly vulnerable and hit hardest by the negative effects of the circumcision celebrations. Worse still, 80% of girls miss schools as a result of menstrual frustration resulting from lack of appropriate sanitary ware and as a result they have no option but to use rags, toilet paper, newspaper, leaves, and disposable nappies.
With support from Amplify Change, NCD is implementing a one year project entitled Strengthening Community Approaches for Quality Education in Uganda that aims at contributing to improved child rights programming for quality of Universal Primary Education in Uganda. The project aims at reducing pupil absenteeism resulting into school dropout which is largely caused by lack of menstrual sanitary pads and GBV during circumcision.
The project is employing Theatre for development by raising awareness during the circumcision ceremonies. Kadodi dance, is a key tool that is not only used to mobilize community members for awareness raising but also as a model that amplifies the need to eliminate pupil absenteeism and drop out during these ceremonies.
The project is implemented in 8 schools (Budadiri Girls P/S, Bulwala P/S, Bukyambi P/S, Kirali Primary School, Busiita P/S, Buhugu P/S, Kalawa P/S and Divine Education Centre) in Sironko District and it has equipped 35 parents, 14 teachers and 70 children with knowledge and skills on Menstrual Hygiene Management.
The project has reached 310 persons with information on GBV prevention during circumcision, 620 persons with information on menstrual hygiene management and supported 276 UPE school going children with reusable pads.